“After Midnight, the Best Kept Secret in town" is a three-part mini-series created by Keren Shayo and Mika Timor. Broadcast on Yes Docu, with the support of “The New Fund For Cinema & Television” and “The Israeli Lottery Company”
The series tells the story of 10 women who were raped and attacked by one of Israel’s biggest sex offenders, Alon Kastiel, while under the influence of date rape drugs. The series begins in 2006, the first documented rape that Kastiel commited. As the story progresses, we’re exposed to more and more evidence of rape and sexual assaults, that all took place in Tel Aviv’s the nightlife scene, the majority of which while under the influence of rape drugs.
At the same time, Alon Kastiel is developing into a promising businessman, appearing in headlines of financial newspapers and gaining connections, friends, power and money. He is no longer just the son of a rich and well-known family, Alon Kastiel is an empire in his own right.
At the end of 2016, after a full decade of Kastiel’s rampant plotting and rape, a single Facebook post composed by one of his many victims, bursts his bubble. The post garners hundreds of shares. 17 women file police complaints and go through the arduous, torturous and humiliating process that often comes with it. The high profile case, which was investigated through legal system and incriminates one of the biggest sex offenders in Israel, came crashing down all at once – resulting in a plea deal of only four charges. Of all the many rape testimonies, not a single one remained. Alon Kastiel was sentenced to less than 5 years in prison, and is soon to be released.
“Beyond being an important, thorough and comprehensive “After Midnight” is also interesting and well done”
"After Midnight" has everything a documentary series aspires to be.
“The series is superbly made, the script and testimonials are restrained and elegant